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The sun of the Cubiix, a blue dwarf star on the verge of collapse, covered with power absorbing technology tha tthe Cubiix use as the main energy source for travel and various other functions.


CB-11X is a blue dwarf star, because of instability, and releasing large pulses of energy due to it being on the verge of collapse, it has been partially contained with energy absorbing technology built with the sole purpose of capturing expelled energy. Orbiting it includes both the Hexii Outpost, which has a large solar-panel esq structure, as another means of capturing energy. The planets within it's system include Oriixon, Vithin, Fiith, and Nit. Within its system also includes the Xsii Belt, which is mostly comprised of debris from asteroids, and potentially shattered materials from the Hexii's previous attempts of space travel.


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